Vacay Drinks
There’s happy hours, then there’s Vacay.
Brand identity / On-Trade / Social
Our client at Gerry’s got in touch. After the successful initial years of Gerry’s, they had managed to grow and acquire Vacay – a well-known canned cocktail in the UK. The idea was to fold Gerry’s into Vacay, incorporating both Gerry’s attitude and recipes into a new, updated identity for Vacay.
Their existing core positioning: that Vacay is a drink for the free spirits everywhere.
So we created a new identity for the lovers of life. Vacay’s brand is a window into freedom as a state of mind, no passport required. The new look is bright and spontaneous. We took their brand attitude to heart, and got playful with their logo itself. We built on the fun and irreverence of their illustrations and brought the identity to life across bars, experiences, social and merch.